8871  374587  Ramesh AmanStantec Resourceagi  Colour ChangeSenior Wastewater Modeller –Critical Skill  for Global Design Centre –  One of the largest Global EPC player

An Abridged Case History from MAGNA’s Portfolio of Successful Mandates by iRPO, an Executive Search Division of Magna Global HR. iRPO is a specialised & customised Executive Research human driven but using best of search technology for deep Scanning, Mapping and Mining for the purpose of building a Proactive Talent Pipeline.

We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” (Lists & ranks the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA) This is MAGNA’s way to express its gratitude to both its clients and individuals placed.

Magna Global HR Services Pvt Ltd certifies that it is the true abridged version of MAGNA’s Successful Mandate closed in February 2018 by Ketan Mhatre (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ketan-mhatre-3173615/) Consultant of RMagnet- MAGNA‘s Division for Mid/Senior lateral hiring. Identities are not disclosed to comply with our own Ethics & to honour Non-Disclosure commitments given to the individual & to our Client.

It is a Global EPC Leader in Wet Infrastructure Projects having presence globally while India Center is a key Global Design Center

The Mandate
Senior Waste Water Modeller
To induct an experienced Modeller having 10 plus years water projects’ modelling experience for their Global Design Center

Search Criteria
To Search for a Hydraulic Modeller with major experience in waste water projects and for international projects.

Search Result  
Searched, enticed, evaluated, recommended & eventually placed (Record Sr No 800939  ) Vice President Business Development from UK based Non Ferrous metal & mining major with an extensive exposure in all the aspects of  non ferrous business globally with a last drawn package of USD 350 K per annul

Search Result
Searched, Enticed, Evaluated, Recommended & Eventually placed person with around 15 years’ overall experience and with 8 plus years experience in modelling for global projects.

Mandate Successfully Closed on
February 2018

Roll of Gratification
We wish that association fostered through this Successful mandate proves to be durable to  deserve a high place in MAGNA’s “Roll of Gratification” (  List & ranking of the stability of all individuals placed by MAGNA).